Powerful Questions to Help You Get What You Want

 In Better Life

What is something you want more of in your life?  Maybe it’s more peace of mind, more happiness, more patience, more calm, more focus, etc.  What if you could have even just 10% more?  How would that change your life?

I’ve found that asking different questions can be a quick and powerful way to help us shift our thinking in ways that can help us get more of what we want.  

For example, I would like to have more focus in my day and in my life.  I’m too easily distracted and can be busy without getting anything done that I’d planned.  

Here’s a set of questions that has helped.

  1. How would things be different if I had 10% more focus?  I would be less distracted during working hours, and I would be more present with my family during evenings and weekends.
  2. What are the benefits?  I would make more progress in my business and in my home projects.  I would feel good about what I was able to get done. I would have less stress and more time to do fun thing with my family. I would help more people, change more lives, and have a more sustainable business.
  3. What would it feel like to live my life with 10% more focus?  It would feel empowering, giving me more confidence and energy.
  4. What’s one specific thing that would happen?  I would finish expanding my Positive Reflections journal in 1 month (15 pages per week).
  5. How would that make me feel?  I would feel excited to be able to hand off my journal to an editor and get it ready to publish on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other places.
  6. What’s one easy thing I could do to help make it happen?  I could block off 1 hr 3 days a week to work on it
  7. What would I need to stop doing? I would need to spend less time reading emails and getting sidetracked with interesting articles and posts online. I would need to stop jumping around between ideas and projects every few minutes.

Confession – I decided to make this a weekly tip to force myself to answer the questions and do the exercise.  I’m so glad I did!  I’m feeling more motivated to make this change.  Give it a try with an area you would like to improve!


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Tina Hallis, Ph.D. is Chief Positivity Officer of The Positive Edge, a company dedicated to helping people and organizations increase their positivity to improve the quality of people’s work lives and the quality of company cultures. She is certified in Positive Psychology, an authorized partner for Everything DiSC®, and a Professional Member of the National Speaker’s Association.

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