The World Can Be a Difficult Place – Why bother trying to be more positive?

 In Better Life, Focusing on the positive, Negative emotions

Why bother trying to be more positive? Let’s be honest — life can be hard! The world can be a difficult place. There are natural disasters wreaking havoc, the serious threat of nuclear missiles, social injustices, and the list goes on.  In our own personal lives, we may have challenges with our health, work, finances, relationships, and family.  Isn’t this where we should put our energy and attention? Shouldn’t we focus on trying to fix the problems?

I totally agree!  We should spend our time and energy on solving these challenges. My message is NOT about ignoring them, but instead, about finding a better balance of where we spend our time and energy. 

Instead of noticing and analyzing the problems to find answers, we can easily get stuck, spending excessive amounts of time thinking and talking about them without finding any resolutions. In fact, much of what we worry about isn’t even in our control, so we’re wasting our energy at the expense of our happiness and wellbeing! 

It’s also helpful to remember that getting too wrapped up in our problems can actually narrow our thinking, so we miss out on options and possibilities for those challenges that we can impact.  Taking the time to calm our minds and shift our thinking can lead us to more helpful solutions. 

When we intentionally choose the amount of energy we give the problems around us, we can achieve a better balance and have more enjoyable days and a higher quality of life with more success. Most of us could use a little help working towards a healthier balance. 

Do you spend excessive amounts of your energy and time on problems, especially those you can’t control? Make a list of ideas you could try to help you shift your balance towards more positivity. Check out this tip for some suggestions.


Tina Hallis, Ph.D., is a speaker, trainer, and founder of The Positive Edge, a company dedicated to helping individuals and organizations increase their positivity to improve the quality of people’s work lives and the quality of company cultures.

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