Some People Are Struggling with Stress & Fear. BUT NOT YOU!
There’s immense change and uncertainty going on right now, and it’s probably going to stay that way for a while.
Some people are struggling with overwhelming stress and fear because of what’s happening. Some will suffer from post-traumatic stress after all this is over.
You know it’s hard when you’re in the middle of incredible change and chaos. But you’re able to find peace with the unknown because you know you’re going to come out stronger on the other side. You know you’ll survive this because you’ve made it through hard stuff before. You also know about post-traumatic growth and that post-traumatic growth is actually more common than PTSD.
Some people are so focused on what’s changing, what they can’t do, and what they’re losing that they’re immersed in anxiety, anger, and sadness.
You intentionally shift your thinking to remember the many things you can still do, the things you still have, and all there is to be grateful for. Instead of getting stuck in a downward spiral, you use this time to build relationships, learn new things, take care of yourself, and find ways to help others.
Some people can only talk about how bad things are, spreading feelings of hopelessness to others.
You uplift others and help them see beyond this mess. You’re a positivity catalyst that spreads calm in the face of the unknown. Just talking to you helps people to feel their best, do their best, and be their best.
Some people don’t know how to manage their skyrocketing stress. They either never learned or can’t remember strategies that can help them find more calm and peace.
You understand that uncertainty triggers a strong threat response in our brains that causes us to anticipate the worst possible outcome. So, you catch yourself when that happens and use a variety of tools to lower your stress because you know it’s important to avoid a downward spiral of negative thoughts. You take the time to care for yourself and build up your internal resources.
Many people can only see this crisis as bad, upsetting their lives, their finances, their plans, their future.
You can see past all the “bad” that’s happening and also see the benefits this change can have. For some of us, this pandemic has slowed down our busy lives, it has lowered pollution because of less travel, it’s given us the opportunity to reflect on what’s really important in our lives, and it’s uniting us as a country and as a world against a common foe.
Many people are going to get impatient and say things that hurt others, damage relationships and create division because their stress has impacted their self-control and compassion.
You’re tapping into (and replenishing) your reserves of willpower and resilience. You know that people are struggling with hopelessness, discouragement, and frustration so you remember to come from a place of empathy and understanding.
I’ve found it helpful to reflect on this idea –
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” —Vivian Greene