A Year of Surviving the Pandemic: Here’s a Long List of Ideas to Help You Keep Going

 In Better Life, Negative emotions

My weekly tip for March 15, 2020, a little over one year ago, was “How to Find More Calm When Life is Anything But.”   Our lives had just been turned upside down and we had no idea what lay ahead or how long it would last.

Here we are in March of 2021, seasoned pandemic survivors. Yet there is still so much uncertainty and so much to worry about. Will there be another surge because of the variants? How long will immunity last from the vaccines or having had the virus? When should we feel safe gathering in larger groups? What will this new normal be like? And that’s on top of our normal life worries!

Here’s the great news; you’ve made it this far! And, I’m betting you’ve learned a little along the way. Hopefully, you’ve learned more about yourself, that you are strong, and you have the ability to persevere. And, hopefully, you’ve learned tricks that help you manage your stress. But in case you’re still looking for more ideas, here are ones I commonly hear from my audiences when I ask what helps them manage their stress:

  • Exercising/movement (going for a walk is very popular)
  • Laughing (funny videos, etc)
  • Connecting with friends and loved ones – even if it’s virtual
  • Spending time with pets
  • Reading a good book
  • Watching a movie
  • Getting outside in nature
  • Playing games on your phone or computer
  • Getting off of social media
  • Hobbies like crafting, cooking, gardening, or starting something new
  • Music; listening, dancing, singing
  • Meditating/prayer
  • Looking at photos that bring back fond memories
  • Taking a hot bath
  • Smiling
  • Doing something nice for someone else
  • Making a gratitude list
  • Reading positive quotes
  • Repeating positive affirmations
  • Thanking someone
  • Looking at pictures/videos of baby animals

Pick three that you want to keep in mind for this next week. I’d also love to hear other ideas I should add.

And remember,

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Mahatma Gandhi


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