4 Ways to Sharpen Your Positive Edge

1.  Take the Free PQ and Saboteur Assessments

Learn more about the 6-week PQ program and assess your mental fitness with the PQ and Saboteur assessments.

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2.  Catalyze Your Positivity with these Weekly Tips

Staying positive can be hard!  Life is constantly providing you with challenges, whether it’s at work, at home, with your relationships, with your health, etc. How can you find a better balance and spend more time feeling good? These weekly tips can help.

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Check out the most recent Positivity Tips here.

3.  Sharpen Your Positive Edge with this E-Book

Book set Sharpen Your Positive Edge

Boost your positivity with 80 short positivity tips in this free PDF version of my book, Sharpen Your Positive Edge:  Shifting Your Thoughts for More Positivity & Success.

Life can be hard! In just a few minutes you can feel better with ideas that work for you, your life, and your personality.

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4.  Build Your Immunity to Other People’s Negativity with this 7-Week Masterclass

Keep Your Positive Edge online course

Do you ever get tired of dealing with other people’s complaining, grumpiness, or pessimism? It’s hard to change other people, but there is another faster, more effective option; build your immunity!

Create your free account and access this 7-week online masterclass, Keep your Positive Edge:  How to Build Your Immunity to People’s Negativity, for 3 months. Normally $197 for one-year access.

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