Free Resources to Sharpen Your Positive Edge

1.  Sharpen Your Positive Edge with this E-Book

Book set Sharpen Your Positive Edge

Boost your positivity with 80 short positivity tips in this free PDF version of my book, Sharpen Your Positive Edge:  Shifting Your Thoughts for More Positivity & Success.

Life can be hard! In just a few minutes you can feel better with ideas that work for you, your life, and your personality.

2.  Promote Stronger Connections Among Remote Workers with this Article

Although some people love working from home while others can’t wait to get back in the office, there’s one struggle they have in common – staying connected with their coworkers, their teams, and their bosses. Studies repeatedly show that feelings of connection and belonging are critical for our success. These feelings are the foundation for trust, collaboration, and motivation.

Download the free article, “Ideas to Keep Your People Engaged and Connected While Working from Home” for more than 30 ideas for activities to promote feelings of connection and belonging in your virtual team.

3. Discover Your Saboteurs and Take the PQ Assessment

Getting to know our top saboteurs and understanding how they manipulate our thinking gives us the ability to recognize them in action and disarm their power over us. 

And don’t forget to take the PQ assessment. PQ stands for Positive Intelligence Quotient. It’s an indicator of how often our mind is working for us or against us and is a measure of the strength of our positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur).

4.  Catalyze Your Positivity with Weekly Tips

Staying positive can be hard!  Life is constantly providing you with challenges, whether it’s at work, at home, with your relationships, with your health, etc. How can you find a better balance and spend more time feeling good? These weekly tips can help.

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Check out the most recent Positivity Tips here.