How Strong is Your Self-Command Muscle? Test It with the PQ Assessment

It’s so much easier to be positive and optimistic when life is going our way. But what if someone makes you mad? How long does it take for you to get over it? Or if you make a mistake? How [...]

What Would You Tell Your Younger Self? A Visualization for Self-Love

The instructions were to visualize a happy time in our lives as a child. (If we couldn’t come up with any happy memories, we were told to make one up.) I closed my eyes and thought back to [...]

Getting to Know Our Judge

Last week I was playing the new digital Monopoly with my 15-year-old daughter. She had more money and more property than me. I was feeling a little frustrated and noticed I wasn’t having [...]

Want Less Stress? Don’t Keep Your Hand on Life’s Hot Stove

Last week I was excited to share Shirzad Chamine’s concept of our Saboteurs; those negative voices in our head that get in the way of our happiness and success. This week, I would like to [...]