Do You Know & Use Your Superpowers? Tapping into our strengths brings more success & happiness

I was hanging out with a new friend a few days ago.  I don’t know her real well, so it was fun to learn about her and hear her story.  She was sharing that she’s really good at art and marketing, [...]

A Little Inspiration for Your Week – Our special gifts

I was all set on my topic for today’s weekly tip, but then my daughter showed me a video about Derek Paravicini, and I was inspired to change it.  Derek was born 3 months premature at 1 lb. 5 oz, [...]

A List to Remember “The Truth About You”

You have valuable talents and strengths I heard a great idea on a podcast recently that I had to share.  It was from Aaron Anastasi on the Small Changes Big Shifts podcast by Dr. Michelle Robin.  [...]