I have to be honest – I detest being cold! So you can imagine that I’m not a fan of winter weather and am especially unhappy with our recent bout of cold and snow in April. [...]
I had the incredible opportunity to see and listen to some of my favorite thought-leaders at the Work Human conference last week, including Shawn Achor, Simon Sinek, Tony Schwartz, David Rock, [...]
What does it feel like to be wrong? According to Kathryn Schulz, it doesn’t feel any different than being right, UNTIL . . . we realize we’re wrong. Then the humiliation and feeling of failure [...]
When I was in college, my roommates loved to go out on Saturday night. I was glad to go with, but I would’ve also been happy just staying home. Sensing their excitement and anticipation of a [...]
It can be hard when the people we care about are chronically unhappy or negative. We can see how their attitude is hurting their quality of life, but nothing we do seems to help. We may try a [...]
Last week I was feeling a little stressed. I had to get to the Milwaukee airport so I could fly to Austin for a workshop I was giving. They were predicting blizzard conditions the day before with [...]
Life can be full of challenges. We know it from watching all the terrible things happening on our news channel or thinking about the difficulties in our own lives or the lives of friends and [...]
What if you could shift your mood with the touch of a button? Maybe you want to feel more motivated, less stressed, or more grateful. All you have to do is choose the right button. The great news [...]
I remember a few years back when I started hearing about the power of intention. At the time, it felt like the newest buzzword. I didn’t really understand what it meant or how it could help me [...]
I remember a conversation with my carpool partner back in graduate school. She was sharing with me how she’d told her new boyfriend that she would like candy and flowers on Valentine’s Day. My [...]