Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Start by Just Believing

“Once upon a time, there was a girl called Jenni who was born whole and innocent, and learned to make herself small to survive. Who was taught her place and her worth by hurting, unwhole [...]

The Power of Sharing Our Imperfections: No One Is Perfect

Here was a teacher and a former dean at a local highschool sharing his struggles with depression and anxiety with a bunch of teenagers. And the kids absolutely loved it! He was an adult that [...]

What If Someone Finished It for You? Appreciating Struggle in Our Achievements

Imagine you’re working hard on a project; maybe your painting, cooking, woodworking, crafting, gardening, etc. You’re busy creating something you’re excited about. You’re trying different [...]

What kind of plant are you? Philosophical lessons from a garden

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying watching my garden grow this June. I was worried because it was so wet, and I wasn’t able to get the plants and seeds in until much later than usual. But now things [...]

What if Someone Finished It for You? Appreciating Struggle in Our Achievements

Imagine you’re working hard on a project; maybe your sculpting, painting, cooking, woodworking, crafting, etc. You’re busy creating something you’re excited about. You’re trying different [...]

The Biggest Piece of Cake that Changed Her Life Forever- The Power of Words

I remember it like it was yesterday. The day was October 1st, 1999. It was my cousin’s birthday and everyone was gathered together to celebrate and spend time together – something we used [...]

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