Can Chores Make Us Happier?

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What if just for a moment, we weren’t in such a hurry to finish a chore so we could rush on to get the next thing done? What if instead, we chose to be mindful and to savor the task? I was busy folding clothes the other day – trying to hurry and finish so I could get to the next task on my list, when I remembered a mindfulness article I had just read in Time magazine. Mindfulness is about having a purposeful awareness to help focus our constantly wandering and spinning minds. I decided to take this moment to practice.

I became aware of the smell of the fresh laundry and the feel of the clothes beneath my hands. Then I thought about how grateful I was to have the ability to do laundry in my home and that I was healthy enough to do my own laundry. I noticed that I was folding clothes for my daughter and husband which reminded me of how fortunate I am to have my daughter and husband in my life. A common, thoughtless chore suddenly became a positive experience that lightened my mood and made my day a little brighter. What everyday task can you make into a mood boosting opportunity?

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