Does Positivity Make You Unmotivated and Complacent?

When I first learned of Positive Psychology and this entire science of how we can become more positive, I remember wondering how it might impact a person’s motivation to get ahead. After all, if [...]

But I Don’t Want To __________ (fill in the blank): Tips for overcoming procrastination

But I don’t wanna . . . clean the toilet, exercise, balance my checkbook, work on this project, etc.  Do you have a task you’re trying to avoid? How can you overcome the hurdle of not [...]

Why Reading These Positivity Tips Doesn’t Matter – It’s the Doing that Matters

Knowing is not the same as doing. We all know this. If you know how to drive a car but don’t actually ever get behind the wheel, you won’t go anywhere. If you think about exercising but never do [...]