What is life for anyway? And why do you want more of it?
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve lost two people in my community to cancer well before their time. I work with cancer patients, and I know that there are no guarantees, no matter how much work people do. But loss can be difficult.
I try hard to look for what I can learn when things happen that I don’t like. What “gift” can I find? Here’s one I want to spend some time pondering.
What is life for anyway? Why do I want to live another day or put effort into a longer life? What am I doing that I appreciate and enjoy so much that I want more of it?
“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” – Marcus Aurelius
I think this is a hard question sometimes. But I don’t want to wait for a tragedy, such as a diagnosis, to try to figure it out. Instead, I want to take a step back and think about the life I’m living right now. What makes it worth living? What do I want more of? Less of?
As I pause to consider my life, I realize I’m grateful I have people in my life that I can have deep meaningful conversations with. I find that I want to explore and deepen my spiritual connection. The beauty of simple things is becoming more important to me. I try to surround myself with uplifting messages, stories, songs, movies, conversations, etc. I try to pay attention to my thoughts and learn ways to help them improve my life (instead of working against me).
I would love to hear what comes to your mind when you ponder the question, what is life for anyway?
P.S. – Please do not consider these questions if/when you are depressed!! We want to hear from our true self (Sage), and not have our threat response (Saboteurs) do the talking!
This week’s tip is in honor and memory of Irina and Kim. Your determination, passion, and big hearts will never be forgotten.