Every day it seems like I have so much work I want to get done for my business and around the house. Products I want to create. Proposals I need to write. Marketing, paperwork, filing, [...]
When we were kids, we had great imaginations. We could imagine dragons, monsters, and castles with Kings and Queens. We could imagine that we had super powers and were battling the bad guys to [...]
I went for a walk today to enjoy the beautiful fall weather but instead of paying attention to my surroundings, I was deep in thought. Suddenly I remembered where I was and how I should be [...]
I’m honored to have this guest blog by my friend, Deb Raupp. It’s hard to be a good listener, but it’s so important for building positive connections with the people in our [...]
Don’t you just hate waiting? I get so impatient. It seems like such a waste of time when I have so many things I need to do. My biggest pet peeves are waiting on hold on the phone to get a [...]