Beware When You Compare – The Pitfalls of “Social Comparison”

I’m grateful to have so much abundance and goodness in my life. When I think about all that I have with my family, home, career, health, etc., I feel great joy and peace. Unless I look at my [...]

The Power of Questions: How Curiosity Can Foster Connection and Understanding

I’m excited to share a guest blog from a positivity expert I recently discovered, Robyn Stratton-Berkessel. When I saw this post from her on the power of being curious about others and how [...]

Thank Goodness Things Didn’t Go the Way I Wanted – Accepting the Way Things Turn Out

We had rented a cabin on a lake for our vacation, but when we got there, we found out that the shoreline by us was full of weeds and stumps. No swimming or fishing from shore here!  So we decided [...]

Shouldn’t packing for vacation be fun? Our focus impacts our emotions

A couple of months ago, I was packing to go on vacation. I was getting stressed because I couldn’t find my new swimsuit. I loved that suit! As I was tearing through my drawers and closet, it hit [...]