We Were Stuck on the Plane but Not Going Anywhere = Rich Material

Does your day provide opportunities for you to practice staying positive? I call this “Rich Material.” I was in my seat, waiting for the plane to depart. There was some commotion at the back of [...]

It Felt Like an Attack! I Needed to Carefully Choose My Response

Have you ever had a coworker or a family member snap at you and it felt like you were being attacked? What was your reaction? If you’re like most people, you probably got upset. It’s easy to say [...]

My Heart Was Pounding! Who Was Going to Jump Off the Cliff? Practicing Pausing & Noticing

Imagine you’re at the scene in Marvel’s Endgame where Hawkeye and the Black Widow realize that one of them has to sacrifice themselves by jumping off the cliff in Vomir to get the [...]