It Felt Like an Attack! I Needed to Carefully Choose My Response

Have you ever had a coworker or a family member snap at you and it felt like you were being attacked? What was your reaction? If you’re like most people, you probably got upset. It’s easy to say [...]

I Didn’t Like Being Wrong. Name It to Tame It!

I have an embarrassing confession to make. Even though I’m in my 50s, I still have moments when I get my right and left mixed up. Just today I was driving to a meeting when my daughter who [...]

This Driver Is Making Me Late and Frustrated! Is He My Teacher??

The other day I was making the hour drive from my hometown into the big city of Madison, WI. Most of it is a four-lane state highway so I can cruise right along. But this day there was road [...]

What Causes Us the Most Negativity? And How Can We Build Our Immunity?

What causes us the most negativity? Based on anonymous surveys and feedback from clients, the answers I get almost always point to one major contributor – Other People! I hear about [...]