I have a problem. Even though I get to learn and think about building positivity throughout the week, there are still times when I forget to use the tools in my toolbox. When I’m [...]
You don’t need alcohol to get drunk; you just need to THINK you’re consuming alcohol. You don’t need a pain reliever to get rid of a headache; you just need to THINK you’re taking a potent [...]
I’m fascinated by how our thoughts affect our mood and our reality, but there’s also an emerging area of intriguing research that shows how our body posture influences our mood. Just think about [...]
I love being able to help people learn how to increase their positivity! One of the favorite parts of one of my programs is when people share something good that’s happened in the past 24 [...]
When we experience stress, it triggers the release of cortisol in our body, which heightens our sensitivity to other stressors and can keep us focused on the problem. We can get so focused in [...]