The Power of Switching One Word – What do you “get” to do?
It’s a Monday morning so I have to wake up extra early because I have to help my daughter get ready for school. I have to pack her a lunch and a snack for school. Then I have to do some laundry – the clothes are piling up!
Next on my list, I have to work on an article for my business and then I have to start prepping for a talk I have in a few days. There are some emails and calls I have to return. Phew! So much I have to do!
Reading this makes me feel overwhelmed and exhausted!
Going from “have to” to “get to”
Watch what happens when I make a simple switch with the word “have” to “get.”
It’s a Monday morning so I get to wake up extra early because I get to help my daughter get ready for school. I get to pack her a lunch and a snack for school. Then I get to do some laundry – the clothes are piling up! Next on my list, I get to work on an article for my business and then I get to start prepping for a talk I have in a few days. There are some emails and calls I get to return. Phew! So much I get to do!
This version leaves me feeling grateful and upbeat. It helps me realize how fortunate I am to be able to do all these things and it helps me appreciate all the good things in my life – my daughter, my business, my health, even my clothes, washing machine, and computer.
Give it a try. Write down all the things you have to do. Then switch out the words so it says all the things you get to do. Notice a difference? If you need an even bigger shift, imagine something in your life has happened so that you need to switch “get” to “don’t get” to do.
I would like to thank my dear friend Jen Wilson of New Leaf Coaching for sharing this powerful insight with me.
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Tina Hallis, Ph.D., a professional speaker and consultant for The Positive Edge, a company dedicated to helping individuals and organizations increase their positivity to improve the quality of people’s work lives and the quality of company cultures. She is certified in Positive Psychology, an authorized partner for Everything DiSC®, and a Professional Member of the National Speaker’s Association.