Then I Heard a Loud CRUNCH! – What if mistakes are lessons in disguise?

Do you ever get mad at yourself for making a mistake? I was slowly backing out of the parking spot when I heard my husband yell something from the passenger seat. Too late! A moment later, I [...]

I’m Such a Dork! Sometimes I Can’t Believe the Stupid Things I Do

I’m such a dork! I do so many stupid things and make so many stupid mistakes. I asked my family for some examples for this tip, and I finally had to say, “Stop!  Enough already!” Here are a few [...]

Permission to Be Human – Adding a link to the chain of forgiveness

Self-Forgiveness I couldn’t believe it!  I had the appointment in my calendar, but for some reason, I’d totally overlooked it!  Now I had missed it completely and left the other person waiting.  [...]